
    國際音樂家協會 ( INTERNATIONAL MUSICIAN ASSOCIATION,簡稱I) 專注於國際性藝術交流及藝術等級資格鑒定。旨在為世界各地音樂家建立一個相互交流共同發展的國際平臺,定期舉辦音樂會、演奏會、大師班、論壇、講座及賽事交流等活動。香港,中西文化交匯,人才薈萃,是亞洲文化藝術活動最有生氣的地方,是全球藝術家、藝人必到之地。

    The INTERNATIONAL MUSICIAN ASSOCIATION has been focusing on international art communication and artistic level qualification. The  aims to offer an international stage for all musicians to communicate and develop further through holding concerts, masterclasses,forums,lectures, and competitions at regular intervals. Hong Kong, a city where Chinese culture meets with Western culture and a place appealing countless talents, is the most active area for Asian cultural and artistic activities and an ideal island for global artists.

    國際音樂家協會成為世界音乐比賽權威機構——United Nations Children Art Development Foundation的成員之一,其音樂專業性和國際影響力得到UNCA的認證,其主辦的比賽規格達到國際標準,並受到全球音樂界的廣泛關注。
